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Getting quality mobile phone reception while on a moving train has been risky business, until now. Researchers at the Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL) have developed laser-treated glass windows that do not interfere with mobile phone reception. Incredibly, the insulating properties of these new passenger windows were not compromised at all. Currently three percent of a train's energy is lost through old passenger windows.



Double coated windows (with ultra thin metal coating) were designed  incorporated into the train design to help regulate individual car temperatures and they successfully increased the energy efficiency. Unfortunately the coating also blocks telecommunication signals. Based on early results, these new laser-tinted windows are as transparent to phone reception as plain glass, providing clear communications on all devices. Read more.


This technology is in its infancy, but the possibilities are limitless. Imagine a building that can differentiate between mobile and wi-fi signals. Laser-tinted windows need to be CE compliant and tested against existing safety standards. As the technology develops, designing safety compliance into the products becomes essential for both the public and the particular companies.